Sunday, July 25, 2010

Getting to Know You

Just a quicky 'cause we're all pooped here at the Casa. Once we read that Laurie and her team IBKC made their $40 squillion goal and then some, we did the happy dance and decided to take the weekend off! What?? You don't believe me? Ok, that's just an excuse! But we are thrilled to our toes about the good news!

Tony did indeed become a responsible mancat on Friday and on Saturday, he went back with Carol for recuperation. I'm feeling a little guilty but Tony will probably not socialize without a LOT of patience and time... more than I am able to supply right now.

Little sis Sophie missed him for a day or so, but she seems quite settled as the sole resident of the basement. She'd have come up to mix with the guys by now but I'm keeping her semi isolated because of sloppy poop. There was nothing obvious so Doc has had her on an antibiotic since Thursday and we'll try a bit of pumpkin to see if that will firm things up. But since I can't be in two places at once, and the little girl is all alone, I took the risk tonight of bringing a crate up to the living room so she could spend some time with us. I think she and Lawrence will get along just fine. The verdict is still out on Trudy, though. ;-)


  1. The fundraising was awesome, YAY! We hope little Sophie feels better soon.

  2. Hooray for IBKC for making their $40 squillion ~ they do good work over there for sure! As do you dear friend!

    xo Catherine

  3. I'm very happy to hear that the IBKC made their goal, that is worth a happy dance fur sure!

  4. We were so excited that the IBKC met their goal and more!

    And it is great that Tony is a responsible mancat now - we know that with the right amount of time and patience he will become much more trusting too.

    And we are sending purrs for Sophie to feel better soon - we hope things firm up!

  5. Paws crossed they ALL get along!



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