Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Belly Rub 'n ' Purr

Have I ever mentioned Percy is a hog for belly rubs? Ummmm... YEAH!


  1. How can Percy not be adopted yet??? Oh my goodness, that belleh!!! If only, if only I were closer. I could have 3 cats, right? or maybe leave a kitty behind for my parents to have? GAH! That video has got to get him his furever family.

  2. Marlene said what I was going to say. How in the WORLD can that perfect Percy pussycat not have found his perfect family? It boggles the mind. He's exquisite.

  3. A kitty that is so open for some love! Come on! Ya' got to love it!

  4. Oh my Percy, what a rumblepurr motor you have with those belly rubs too!

  5. *KABOOM* My head just exploded from the adorableness. I'm with Marlene - how the heck hasn't Percy been snapped up yet?

    I am close enough to adopt but am unfortunately at my kitteh limit (2) per our HOA. Keeping fingers and paws crossed for a forever home for the adorable Mr. Percy and his beautiful belly!

  6. We would love to be able to take Percy, but we have four already that have organized themselves into a pecking order and I am afraid my top-cat male would not take kindly to another boy in the house...

  7. i love kitties who love belly rubs! i just want to stick my face into that furry tum! how does percy smell? i have one cat whose scent i LOVE, and i bury my face in her fur. no one else really likes that much lovin, so i don't know their smells so well. yes, weird, i know... :p

  8. Oh that belly, that gloriously orange fluffy belly...sigh...wish Percy could come live with us...I would give him belly rubs all day! Our newest addition, Bailey, splays out like that and loves belly rubs too...Mishka only wants belly rubs from his beloved Daddy, and Gambino would probably murder me in my sleep if I ever attempted to give him a belly rub ;-)

  9. Ahhhhh, bellie rubbins! We like the hyper extension of your back legs too!

  10. More, more, more, please! I'll take all the Percy belly rubbins I can get. He is such a lovebird.

  11. Oh, that is SO cute! Just look at the size of that belleh. I wouldn't be able to stop nuzzling it :D

  12. *firmly resists the urge to investigate what it would cost to transport a cat (okay, two, if I took Percy I'd have to have Peggy Sue as well) from Baltimore to Denver*

    *lets sweet tiger-striped tummy and sound of purrrrrrrr increase alpha-brainwave activity instead*

  13. Such a lover! Some home is going to be very lucky to have Percy the Perfect Purrer.

  14. Percy......too cute for words or purrs for that matter! What a lovely little boy.



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