Sunday, July 19, 2009

Uh, Oh!

What is this that I saw upon entering the Maples domain this afternoon???? Yes, Percy and Fred had escaped the confines of the Casa Maples courtyard! Looks like this cat box janitor (yes, I LOVE your name cbj!) needs to do some quickie adjustments and finally open the door to Mapleland! I shouldn't have been surprised. This morning I saw Percy on top of the exercise post for the first time.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA!! We knew the day was coming! I can just imagine the look of accomplishment on their little faces! Good job, Maples!

  2. Smart little funny to see they were so successful at their escape attempt :) Good job boys! Now I bet it was Ginny who told them exactly how to manage this amazing feat, but she let the boys go first (just in case there was trouble) :)

  3. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Ginny had already gotten out... and back in again! The guys put on a good display but Gin quietly acts. ;-)

  4. Our first time here! My human Tommy just turned to mush seeing the itty bitty cats! Great idea you have--we all need forever homees

  5. Jailbreak! Today the basement, tomorrow the world. :-) (And I for one welcome our new feline overlords. LOL)

  6. Wow, they are quite daring at such a young age!!First the courtyard, next time they will try to get into something big, like a cat food bank or something!



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