Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thank You All... So Very Much

Space Paws walkers resting well after their labors:

The official tally isn't quite in, but it looks like we raised $1700+ in the 2011 March for Animals! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed. See our sidebar!

And big thank yous to Judy, for thinking of this and leading the pack, and Sonia, Pam, Leah, Michele, Karen, Frankie, Rebecca, Kathy, Kelly and Katy for joining the pack... all for love of the critters! (And a special thanks to Amy for the very cool Space Paws bandannas!! Click on the pic above to embiggen and check them out.)

One more cute shot, before we go. And tomorrow, the Name Those Babies winners!


  1. Great scarves. They are (no pun intended) out of this world!

    Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

  2. Congratulations on the fundraising! That's pawsome!

    -Fuzzy Tales

  3. Congratulations, what a great result! (And oh, these puppies are so cute!)

  4. That was an excellent bit of walking...bravo!!!

  5. Wow, congrats on the walk being such a success! That is awesome! Your walkers look super cute and also super tired - but they deserve a good rest for doing such a good job!

  6. I'd love to buy a bandana, if you have extras!



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