Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back on the air just in time for snip, snip!!

Yes, tomorrow the youngsters become responsible man and lady cats. Since you haven't seen them in a while (sorry guys, and thank you for your patience!), here are shots of the little dweebs in their new habitat... the completed kitchen/dining room!

Unfortunately, the living room is now under construction so everything is smushed up into the dining room... desk, table, chair, dresser, etc., etc.!!! We're a tad crowded but they love it, once again able to traverse the room without ever touching ground!! I'll show all once we're in photo worthy shape.

Why do boys seem to like to be everywhere they are not supposed to be!??

Trudy has not changed her sleeping preferences. Nothing will do but to be on my chest. Not the lap, not next to me... only on my chest.

Do I have the most amazing tail in the world? Why yes, yes I do!


  1. There could be worse places for Trudy to sleep! And did I miss Miss Sophie's intro or has turning 40 brought about early onset senility?

  2. Oh goodness, I remember Sophie now. My how she has grown!

  3. Good to see you - and the photos today are great. We're sending the kittens many purrs for their surgeries!

  4. Good luck to the "babies" tomorrow. They're not so baby-like anymore! Lots of purrs and healing Light for speedy recoveries.

    Trudy is just so sweet, to sleep only on your chest!

  5. Lisa, it's so lovely to "see" you again! Oh, that photo of sweet little Trudy blissfully asleep...

  6. Awww sweet Trudy and Lawrie!! They're all grown and looking beautiful and sweet! And Miss Big Girl Angel - that is an AWESOME tail!

    Take care

  7. Good luck kitties!
    xo Catherine & Banjo

  8. Good luck, kittens and welcome back, Lisa!

  9. Good luck to the kitties :)

    And glad to have you all back. We've missed you!

  10. Welcome back, dear Lisa! Thanks for the great post and pictures - they have all grown so much! Hugs to all!!

  11. I swear, Trudy and Loki must be related somehow. Not just coloring, he loves to be ON me. He's half on the pillows behind me, half on my shoulders right now....after chewing on my hair until he crashed.

  12. Oh honey I have missed you ..I know it's been tough with Grey..we all cried at the Casa..and no sistah..the bit on my blog wasn't aimed at you....I know your plate is full and I just miss ya...I was in the midst of a massive pity party that's all..





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