Friday, July 2, 2010

PSA News & Melted Kittehs

PSA News

Robyn, over at Love & Hisses has a PSA reprise of an urgent need - a PA shelter is closing -for mid-Atlantic state readers, and more. And Bethany, from Capital Animals, says the WHS still needs short term fosters for an big influx of kittehs. Finally, Robin, from Covered in Cathair, let us know about a foster in need of assistance to save some kittens from almost certain euthanasia in Henry Co., GA. It's a starfish moment.

Go on, take a moment and check them out.

No, I mean it, go check them out! We'll wait for you! ... OK, now you know the drill... pass it along good folks! You never know who knows someone, who knows someone. We've seen the power of the cat lovin' folk of the intertubes many times.

One of your own friends, Webbthistle, responded to Bethany's announcement yesterday!! I'm just all grins! Please meet AC and Dez, two young ladies from the WHS who are now comfortably ensconced in Webbthistle's spare bedroom.

Aren't they lovely?? Webbthistle reported yesterday,

"They are a tortie [AC] and a grey tabby [Dez], maybe each a year and a half old, and they have been sharing a cage since arriving at the shelter. I think this will be a good vacation for them. They were a delight on the looonnng rush hour trip home - I think they were really enjoying the sunlight!

Cagney hasn't discovered them yet - she is rarely on the 4th floor where the guest room is - but she will figure it out sometime tonight. All will be fine as long as the door stays closed.

One of the shelter workers said a lot of the cats and kittens are now being fostered, but still more are needed."

Webbthistle also mention the shelter is, sadly, in need of more volunteers and more room. Another good reason to support your local shelters and rescues. More to come on details about AC and Dez, but I'll leave this with you... since Webbthistle is a short term fosterer, let's help her get these sweeties adopted before they need to go back to the shelter! Wouldn't that be cool??

Melting Kittehs

Even though it's actually cooler here in B'more now (the weather broke Wednesday), everybody seemed to be stretched out and melting into the furniture. Here are two cute examples.


  1. The melting kittens pictures are just beautiful! I've been tweeting about the shelter in PA and we're all purring for them.

  2. It was hot, hot, HOT here earlier in the week--triple digits--and my kids were melting, too! I love how cats do that. It's so cute!

  3. Ah yes! The kitty puddle look!!

    word verification is: hydrato

  4. I know the shelters must be extra-full, because today they came to Petsmart and took away four adults who had been there quite some time, and replaced them with about a dozen kittens. Usually they leave adults with us for quite a long time, I figure they must be overwhelmed. I'm going to miss those sweethearts that we've been working with for so long.
    Even I am going to break down and foster, we have two kittens coming to take over my office on Sunday. Hope my four don't have heart failure that there will be SOMEONE in that room and they can't enter.

  5. I love melted kitties! :)

    And thank you for stopping by and reading Little Meow's plea for a forever home. I love that little girl so much, and I hope we can all work together to find her the best forever home! Thank you!!!

  6. Yes, we are in northern Virginia so we have experienced the same heat and humidity. That's some great synchronized sleeping going on.

  7. We are melting here too. We will look at the PSA announcements and see if there is anything we can do.

  8. Apparently there is nothing more comfy that a furry butt.
    I live in Texas and try not to leave the house ever. If I could invent a giant a/c plastic bubble to go outside in I'd make a fortune. You know like you put hamsters in? My talent is so wasted.

  9. Thank you for posting and yay for Webthistle. We do always need more volunteers and being the district's only open access shelter, I kind of fear we'll always need more room. We did build a new dog kennel last year that is amazing and I'm really happy that we finally have a multi-cat room where none of the cats are in cages but get to wander, climb, play, and sleep called Kitty City. I'll try to get some photos of it the next time I'm there--my boyfriend checks there if he's picking me up and can't find me since it's such an awesome room. In some happy news (that this blog especially can id with) our foster program has grown almost 200% in the past 24 months according to our CEO, which meant that despite an influx of surrenders--our euthanasia rate hasn't gone up since the economy tanked. Just in case fosters need a reminder of how much they rock :)

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