Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Guess Who is Sleeping in Amy's Bed?? And, YIKES!! Only 3 days to go and 9 Squillion Green Papers!

Co-workers Paula and Amy teamed up to rescue this handsome young man last week. He appeared in Paula's back yard and, after a little scare, wherein he disappeared for a bit, she was able to scoop him up and bring him to Amy for fostering.
Amy already has a "Kitten" so this gent was dubbed K2 initially, and it stuck! He's adjusted nicely and he's gotten his first set of shots already. We'll be gathering some good stories and pics over the next days, but wanted to introduce you ASAP!

We Deputize You to be a Fundraiser!
I know the Beancounter says 4 days but, by the time you read this it will be ONLY THREE DAYS until the end of the IBKC fundraiser. And there's still NINE SQUILLION TO GO!! Do not wait! Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! Tell everyone you know!! And, if you are able, go give to this wonderful cause! We can do it!


  1. K2 is gorjuss! Anybuddy wud be lucky to have him live wiv 'em!

  2. What a sweetie-pie! He looks like a gangly teenager. I hope he finds a good home! And that bed-spread is making me sleepy. :-)

  3. Oh my goodness, he really is handsome!

  4. Yes, such a handsome boy! And he looks very content!

  5. Awww K2 is adorable! Glad he's settling in well to being fostered and loved!

    Take care

  6. handsome little orinj mancat! hi, K2!



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