Some items just in, so we'll save our Kona & Jasper update for tomorrow...
(Actually, I'm just being selfish with these lovely ready made posts!)
A Letter to the Purrez
Dear Mister Purr-sident: We encourage you to close the government down more often, so that our pet, Ali, can stay home and serve our every whim, as is only proper, instead of working long hours, as she usually does. And while we usually would shudder to do the bidding of a *dog*, we feel obliged to mention that your own owner, Bo, feels the same way...
Kayla and Zimmer

I'm sure the kittehs here at Space Paws would like to express the same feelings to the administrators of STScI. :-)
Good Samaritan Laws for Animal Rescue?
Our friend Jan just did a post regarding a lady who is being prosecuted for trying to help two clearly neglected dogs. It doesn't appear Ms. Thayne was intrusive or ridiculous in her suggestions for improved care. It's a shame that the organization will need to spend its time and resources defending reasonable actions instead of devoting themselves to education, awareness and help. PA readers, take note!
I must confess that I don't understand human laws, if they make sense does that mean they won't do them?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment on my blog! i came by to visit and admire all your kitties, and also stopped to read about Baltimore. I've always admired the rowhouses as i've driven by on I-95; remember from my childhood reading about the people scrubbing their front stoops.
ReplyDeleteYep, we just don't understand the law sometimes!
ReplyDeleteAnd we all agree (mom included) that moms and dads should get to take some work time for spending with their cats.
Yeah, those laws wow. To think we are ONE of the more forward thinking countries to as far as animal welfare is concerned. I can't imagine if this happens here what happens in other places
ReplyDeleteThanks for passing on the info. And we agree the gvt should shut down more often so we can be waited on.
ReplyDeleteTo go a little off topic, I think all businesses should have a mandatory "Take your cat to work day!" And we should have a day dedicted to dogs too; just not on the same day as the cats ;)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe people would leave their pets outside in the snow like that. Just sickens me.
ReplyDeleteI would love to take 9 & Chani to work, but I doubt they would like it. 9 would be perpetually bottle brush tailed. Chani would probably handle it better hehe
Laws and paper can make all the 'good' that people do harder. So sad.
ReplyDeletePerhaps at least a shortened work week so we can spend more time at home with our four legged friends. :)
Millie and Harley completely concur (conpurr?) with Zimmer and Kayla's letter to the POTUS. They LOVED having me home all day, sitting on the couch with them, reading a book while they cooked in the Sweet Spot.
ReplyDeleteIt's lovely to see Kayla and Zimmer looking so at home and at ease with each other. Looking forward to seeing more of them in the future, too. It's great to keep up!
ReplyDeleteKayla and Zimmer are not only beautiful, but quite smart kitties! Mr. President, take notice :-)
ReplyDeleteMy cats think Mama should not work at all and spend all day playing with them, giving them treats, and rubbing their bellies on demand...Mama agrees wholeheartedly, but then reminds them that working means being able to afford treats and toys for the kitties, so the cats say "Back to work, woman!"
The trespassing case against Ms Thayne is just ridiculous, but unfortunately, it's all too's so frustrating to see animal abusers get away with cruelty and neglect while people who try to help end up getting in trouble...we see this all the time in cat rescue...makes me sick to my stomach.