Hannah is a natural born foster Mom. You'll get to see her delicate touch in the videos. Miss Abigail is sleek and content and just as lovable as ever! The kittens are frisky and bold as brass. Guess that's what comes from feeling safe and loved.
I've got loads of video clips and pics so I'll be feeding them to you over the next week or so. Here's the first... I could barely speak at the end, I was laughing so hard!
Major Covet
Our boy is doing fine. Today being Sunday, he got lots of snuggles, off and on, all day. Gus is such a hugger and he likes to be held... not just in your lap, in your arms! Burrowing his face under the chin is a favorite maneuver. And, now, at 2.5 days, my chin is getting a little sensitive from all the baths. I shall persevere, however! ;-)
It is getting tough to keep him still. When I'm at the computer, he wants to come up near me. I tried pulling a chair next to me, but that only satisfied him for about 15 min. The he wanted to be on the desk and then he wanted to climb on me. It's also very hard to get good pics of him. He seems to view pointing the camera in his direction as an invitation to play. *sigh* Keep your fingers crossed, tomorrow we hook up with the surgeon and find out what our next steps are going to be!
oh those Angels! and I love how you tried to get the kitten to shake her head "no". You almost succeeded!
ReplyDeleteGus, you are a handsome boy. I send virtual hugs to you!
oh the babies..I am now incapeable of forming sentences other than awwww,,,bebe wooby wooby wooo's
ReplyDeletep.s......lotsa lubs to Gus ...
LOL @ the video--I told you those kittens were a mix of Ceiling Cat and Basement Cat! (Oh, and the tiny yawn has killed me ded, by the way. ::thunk:: )
ReplyDeleteThat is quite an impressive "kitty apartment." And it was on sale--can't beat a deal like that!
And I would be more than happy to come snuggle Gus for you for a while, and bear the burden of an overabundance of kitty-kisses, if only I were not about 1500 miles away. Sigh. Hope his appointment with the surgeon went well today, and they can get his poor leg all fixed up very soon!
MOL at that video! That is THE cutest ball of fluff EVER!!!
ReplyDeleteAwwwww, that video is just too silly and adorable for words.
ReplyDeleteEven though I was there for the whole filming of the Angels and witnessed the heading nodding it's even funnier on video....and Lisa you know anytime you need the cat "crate" you just come on up a borrow it because as you see the Angels are not confined to it. I have to say we had the BEST time with Lisa on Saturday. She is just wonderful!!!!