Thursday, April 5, 2012


Have I mentioned that Buddy loves boxes?

Margaret, the Crazy Cat Lady of Ednor Gardens who saw to Jerry's surgery, brought us a case of food.  Oh my gosh... everyone at the Casa just adored it - and we had 9 at the time.  I don't have to tell you what a blessing it is to find something everybody likes. OK, not likes - loves.  Never a scrap left in the bowls!

So, in spite of Weruva being expensive, we ordered some more, in other flavors, too.  It arrived in two days and was an instant hit. 
The first case had been in a Mr. Chewy box.  We'd never used them but ordered from there since they carried it.  Well, on the second order, something went awry.  Only 2 of the 3 boxes of supplies arrived (I ordered litter, too - getting lazy in my old age).  So, around 11 on a Sunday night, I called, figuring I'd get a recording that would give me their hours (why I didn't look at the contact page on the website, I don't know!  LOL!).  I got a live person!

I explained what happened and their nice service rep said she'd send out a replacement the next day. When I said she could charge it to the same credit card, she said, no, they'd take care of it.  You could have knocked me over with a feather!!  FedEx had clearly delivered it, so I can only assume it was swiped off my porch - hardly their fault!

The residents of the Casa thank you Mr. Chewy!  That was service above and beyond!

PS - A comment reminded me that I forgot to mention shipping and prices:  Here in the States the shipping is free if your order is over $50 and it takes 2 business days.  The prices are roughly comparable to the store for most things (litter was a little higher) but not having to schlep the quantities I need home, priceless!


  1. What great customer service! That's a very rare thing these days indeed.

    The Weruva Cat Brand food must be verrrrrry good if all of your kitties like it. I have trouble finding food that even my three will all like!

    Thanks for all the comments you've been leaving lately on my blogs. It's wonderful to hear from you again.

    And since I'm not around too much this weekend, I'd like to wish you and all of yours a very Happy Easter, now!

  2. WOW! That must be extra specially delicious food for the whole house to love so much. And it came in a box? I've never had food come in a box. Boxes are so great. LUCKY YOU!!!

  3. that is great service. and we LOVE us some boxes too!!

  4. I wish Mr. Chewy shipped to Canada! (For a reasonable charge too. LOL.)

    Glad there was a food that everyone loved -- omg, how often does that happen? Never in our house, and that's just with two. LOL.

    Happy Easter weekend to you all, we hope it's wonder-full!

    1. I forgot to mention that, here in the states the shipping is free if your order is over $50 and it takes 2 business days. The prices are roughly comparable to the store for most things (litter was a little higher) but not having to schlep the quantities I need home, priceless!

  5. Be careful in the box - in our house it will get you sent somewhere

  6. We. think Mr. Chewy has great customer service too and great boxes!

  7. We have also tried MrChewy, and we will be ordering form now on. I posted about it on my blog too. :)

  8. The box is the best! Yay! Take care

  9. Thank you for the meowvelous review!! We’re glad you were able to find a brand of cat food that everyone loved! We strive for purrfection, so it truly pleases us to know that you enjoyed your experience with Mr.Chewy!! We are open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week – so feel free to call, chat or email us anytime! Thank you again! ☺

  10. We thought Mr Chewy was pawesome with their customer service too. They went above & beyond for us as well!

  11. We have a few pouches of Pumpkin Lickin' Chicken were I work. It is my nuclear option for cats who won't eat. :)



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