Saturday, April 24, 2010

Check Out Today's Google Doodle!!

(click image to embiggen)

Hi folks! This isn't a kitteh post, per se, but you all know we here at Space Paws work at STScI, home of the Hubble science operations! Google is honoring Hubble's 20th anniversary today with their doodle and it is awesome!! Go on over to 'cause there's more than just the doodle!! If you click on the galaxies, it will take you to images in Google Sky and - but wait, there's more!!! - provides information (in regular people language, instead of "sciencese") on each picture as you click through! (For some reason you don't get the info on the first pic that comes up, but move through the images, and come back to that image, and the narrative will appear.)



  1. Happy 20th Anniversay, Hubble! :)

    Thanks for the heads up about the Google doodle ... really cool, interesting and fun!

  2. Hubble people have been all over the radio this week on one show or another. Hubble bubble! So what happens to STScI when Hubble retires??

  3. The James Webb Space Telescope is the next observatory, scheduled for launch in 2014, with which STScI will have major involvement. Very exciting stuff!

    Our site seems to be sluggish right now in spite of preparation for this weekend's extra traffic (yes, we got tons and TONS of extra bandwidth, just for this), so be patient if you decide to visit today! Or visit next week! :-)

  4. Happy Anniversary. I remember when Hubble went up. I was so excited! And all the gorgeous photos that it's sent back. Heavenly (no pun intended :D)

  5. Can you really be 20 years already! Happy Anniversary Hubble. You have sent us images that once were just part of our imagination!

  6. I was just popping over here to say congrats to all the Hubble folks! Hard to believe it's been 20 years, and I'm only 10 years older..

  7. I saw that bright and early today and thought of you immediately. Happy Anniversary!

  8. Yay!! Happy 20th Hubble!! That's terrific :D

  9. Happy 20th anniversary to the Hubble!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  10. Happy Birthday, Hubble! It must be very cool to be a part of something that has opened up whole new worlds for us to see. The first calendar Forever Dad and I had up in our first home was Hubble photographs :)

  11. That's fun! It's so amazing what we have access to ~ a whole other world. Lovely!



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