Sunday, March 21, 2010

Help! A Terrific Spay & Neuter PSA Video

Not that our readers need reminding, but since I missed this video when it came out, I thought you might like to see it, too. Great PSA, pass it around!

It's spring (and we know what that means) so wouldn't it be great if this went truly viral? If only one litter doesn't come into this world 'cause we emailed or posted this, it'll have been well worth our time, right?

Thanks, Lucky Cat, for including it on your site!


  1. This is awesome. I'm reposting it, and sending it to the ladies at the shelter I volunteer for!

  2. Thanks, Meg! The video isn't new and has a respectable number of views, but wouldn't it be cool if it went truly viral! It will have been worth it if just a few people say, "I need to take care of this NOW!"

  3. Posted it to my Facebook page for all my cat-lady and cat-gent friends too, Really well done.

  4. Excellent video. Mom is going to post it to her FB too.
    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  5. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT ~ I had never seen this little video before. It is such a good message put in a fun way! I'm going to show everyone this video ~ good stuff!

  6. That's a fantastic video. Thanks for sharing.

  7. This is a great video. Many folks need to see this, perhaps before they adopt a pet, or maybe on tv!

    Happy bonkie Monday

  8. Such a important cause. Thank you for posting the video. Also, thank you for supporting the Purrs 4 Peace project.

  9. I agree with everyone else - great video and an excellent cause to fight for.
    I got your comments on Austin. My life is a bit up in the air at the moment - so who knows where I'll end up!! I've always wanted to visit Austin though. :)
    Hope your wrist is doing well and that construction is going well too!

  10. I put it on facebook too.



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